Barunder Story


My idea for Barunder was born on a clear and windy summer morning at my family’s beloved summer home in beautiful Bohuslän.

As tradition goes, there are many who take a morning swim in the waters of this little island; every morning, no matter the weather. After many years of watching from the sidelines, I joined in on this wonderful tradition and went every morning, hand in hand with my husband, to jump into the frigid and wavy Skagerak waters. Cold though those waters may be, the feeling afterwards is like sweet relief for both the body and the soul.

Every morning I wore something different to cover myself on my way to and from the water, but nothing really ever felt right. One morning I met an elderly couple who, as per tradition, walked down to the bathing area each day for their morning swim. I looked curiously at the woman, as she was wearing a lovely old-fashioned bathrobe with a practical button closure, and no belt.

This particular bathrobe allowed her to seem a little more dressed than traditional style bathrobes, and it also allowed her to remove her bathing suit after her swim with complete discretion so she could walk home totally naked (and dry) under her robe.

 I knew that a similar robe would be perfect for my own morning swim tradition, so I went home and searched the net for something similar, but came up empty. Then it hit me: I can make these. It was there and then that Barunder was born.

 With love from Linda